PhoA Help System

Photo Album properties dialog

This dialog allows you to define photo album thumbnail parameters - the dimensions (width and height in pixels) and compression, or quality. Default thumbnail dimensions are 150x150 pixels, quality is 40% max. The greater thumbnail dimensions and the higher quality, the greater photo album file (*.phoa) size is, and vice versa. Too low thumnail quality may make it difficult to recognize picture it represents (colors appear distorted).

You can also enter photo album text description here; the description is stored within the photo album.

  • After you have changed thumbnail parameters the thumbnails should be rebuilt as those parameters will only affect the newly added pictures. You rebuild the thumbnails using the File operations wizard.
  • Besides the dimensions and compression the thumbnail quality is affected by resampling method being used. To configure resampling use the Browse mode settings (this setting is global for all the photo albums, and changing it also requires rebuilding all the thumbnails).
  • Description length is not limited but it's not recommended to make descriptions over 80 printed pages in length because they are difficult to read.

This operation supports undo

See also:

Browse mode
Settings :: Browse mode